Keep Mosquitoes Away this Summer Without Chemicals
Best known for their blood-sucking abilities and itchy bites, mosquitoes (Culicidae) are...

Does Your Lawn Have Chinch Bug Damage?
Yellow and brown dead patches in your grass are not always signs of lawn disease or...

What Is a Sod Webworm?
Named for the webbed network of tunnels it makes, the sod webworm (Crambus) is not a worm ...

Preventing Moles from Damaging Your Lawn
If moles are making a home in your yard, you will know it. The underground tunnels they...

How To Get Rid of Ants Naturally
Ants are unwelcome guests at picnics and backyard barbecues, but even more so when they...

Are Asian Lady Beetles Good or Bad?
Considered a symbol of luck around the world, ladybugs are often described as cute,...

Do-It-Yourself Remedies for Grubs
Identifying Grubs and the Damage They Do
Signs of grub damage are spongy turf, excess...

Are Spiders Good or Bad?
Creepy. Whether we like spiders or hate them, one thing we can all agree on is that these ...

How to Prevent Grubs in Your Lawn
Weeds, brown patches of grass, dying plants, and holes in the lawn. Does that sound like...

Keep Pests Out in Winter: 5 Tips to Pest-Proof Your Home
In this part of the country, winter is that special time of year for us to head indoors...