How to Use Natural Repellents to Stop Moles from Messing up Your Lawn
Meet the mole. Small, blind, and rarely visible above ground, these dirt-digging mammals...

Prevent Ants from Entering Your Home
Everyone loves a parade. But no one wants a parade of pesky ants marching into their...

When Ladybugs Aren’t Lucky: Managing Asian Lady Beetle Infestations
Finding one ladybug may be considered lucky by some, but finding a swarm of them in your...

Tips for Lawn Grub Control
You don’t see them at work. But what they do underground destroys the hard work you put...

Spider Prevention in Your Home: Unwanted Pests or Helpful Guests?
Despite what some horror movies would have you believe, spiders enter homes in search of...

Damaged Grass: Do You Have Grubs in Your Lawn?
Maintaining a beautiful lawn is a challenge, especially when your hard work is undermined ...

Prevent Pests from Picking Your Home for Overwintering
People seek heat once the temperatures drop, preferring to stay huddled up indoors....

Eliminate and Prevent Silverfish in Your Home
Considered a household nuisance, silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) are easily recognized by ...

Five Common Fall Pests & How to Prevent Them
Colorful leaves, football, and relief from summer heat makes fall a favorite season for...

Do-It-Yourself Ways to Control Ticks
Ticks are not only annoying, nasty little bugs, but they also can carry and transmit...