When to Let Your Pet on the Lawn After a Fertilizer Treatment
If your lawn in Ohio has recently received a fertilizer treatment, you may be wondering how long you’ll...

Why Is Your Lawn Brown? Turf Disease, Dehydration, or Over-Fertilization?
If your lawn in Ohio turned brown and looks like an eyesore, you'll want to get to the bottom of it so you ...

Why Do the Leaves on Your Trees Look Like They’re Covered in White Powder?
If you notice a white powdery coating on the leaves of your trees and shrubs, it is likely powdery mildew, a tree...

The Signs & What To Do if Your Lawn Has a Grub Infestation
Grub infestations are a common issue faced by residential and commercial property owners in Ohio. These small, ...

How Much Do Professional Mosquito Control Treatments Cost?
Signing up for professional mosquito control treatments will keep you, your pets, and your family safe from mosquitoes. ...

4 Signs Your Trees Need a Little TLC
If you want your trees to be at their best, you'll want to know what signs you need to look out for to determine if ...

Keep Mosquitoes at Bay - Don’t Let Them Ruin Your Summer Parties!
Mosquitoes can be incredibly bothersome, particularly when you're attempting to host an outdoor gathering. In...

Summer Is Here! What Should You Be Doing for Your Lawn?
The summer season can be detrimental for lawns in Ohio. Cool-season lawns in the area struggle during the warm ...

Is Preventative Grub Control Actually Worth the Money?
Investing in preventative grub control is highly recommended for property owners in Ohio. These treatments...

Are Your Grass Blades Turning Pinkish-Red? Here’s What To Do About Red Thread
Red thread is a common fungal disease that damages lawns in Ohio. It causes red or pink spots to form on grass ...