You don’t see them at work. But what they do underground destroys the hard work you put into making your lawn look good. Grubs are worm-like pests with big appetites for binging on grass and plant roots. Just a few of them are okay, but as the population grows, so does the damage they do. Try these tips for grub control and prevent them from taking over your turf.

What Is a Grub?

Grubs, or grub worms, are the larvae of beetles. These small plump creatures live in the soil right beneath the surface where they can dine on plant and grass roots. When exposed to air and light, they quickly curl up in a C shape. Grubs’ soft plump bodies are whitish gray in color with legs close to the head.

Identifying Grub Damage

If you notice any of these signs below, you may need a method for lawn grub control.

Grubs damage the root systems of grass. Once damaged, the roots can’t deliver nutrients to the grass blades above. This leaves the lawn with areas of thinning or browning grass and even bare spots.

Can you peel back spongy areas of damaged turf like a loose carpet? When a tug on a fistfull of dying grass comes right up to reveal several plump pests below, there’s no denying what’s causing the damage.

Noticed more weeds and wildlife in your yard lately? Lawns with grub damage, like thinning grass and bare spots, provide a place for weeds to thrive. And if you’re seeing a lot of birds and rodents on your property, chances are they found a food source. Grubs make a good meal for many types of wildlife.

Tips for Lawn Grub Control

Taking good care of your grass is the best method of grub control. A well-maintained lawn has healthy deep roots that won’t be deterred by a few nibbling nuisances. While watering your grass is part of a healthy routine, too much watering creates a moist environment where beetles lay eggs.

Make a trip to your local garden center for natural grub control products. Milky spore powder contains a natural bacteria that kills grubs before they become adult beetles. Considered safe for humans and pets, the spores are consumed by grubs. Even after the pests die, the spores continue to multiply and destroy more grubs. Beneficial nematodes are another natural way to get rid of grubs. These microscopic parasites feed on grub larvae. While beneficial nematodes already exist to some extent in the soil, adding a product that contains more of them helps reduce the grub population without harming the environment.

Another way to control grubs without using chemicals is with detergent. Make a mix of one tablespoon of liquid soap to one quart of water and pour it on the infested area. This forces the fiends to rise to the top of the turf. Now grabbing the grubs for disposal is easy. Don’t wish to handle them? Grubs on the soil surface make an easy feast for birds and rodents.

Call Us

If all else fails, you may need to apply insecticide. Use these products with care, so as not to ruin the rest of your landscape. Better yet, call in an expert. Contact Free Spray Lawn Care at 419-529-5296 and we’ll get rid of grubs while taking good care of your turf.