Despite what some horror movies would have you believe, spiders enter homes in search of food and shelter, not to terrify the residents. Whether you are afraid of them or not, no one likes an infestation of these eight-legged creatures or the wispy webs they leave behind. Find out about spider prevention and whether they are creepy predators to be feared or just benign bugs providing a household service.

What Is a Spider?

First of all, spiders are not actually insects. They are members of the largest order of arachnids and have two body segments and eight legs. Insects, on the other hand, have three body parts and six legs. Appendages in their abdomens produce silky, sticky webs that create a net for catching meals. These predators feed on insects and occasionally other spiders. All spiders have fangs. In order to catch their prey, some spiders inject venom to paralyze or kill the unsuspecting insect.

Unwanted Pests

Most of the spiders that find their ways into our homes are not dangerous. They come looking for food and shelter. But we still need to be careful. Although humans aren’t on the menu, some species bite people to protect themselves if they feel threatened. Fortunately, the amount of venom they produce isn’t enough to be harmful. But there are a few types of spiders that have strong enough venom to harm humans if bites go untreated. These include the brown recluse and the black widow spider.

Helpful Guests

Here’s something to consider before you become an advocate of spider prevention. Although we may not like them hanging around inside our house, these predators provide free and natural pest control services. Spiders feed on common household pests like flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, moths, and other disease-carrying insects.

Spider Prevention

There are plenty of ways to keep these creatures outside where they belong. But no matter how much you do, you may still get a visitor here and there. Follow these tips on spider prevention and you’ll keep the majority outside, while leaving a few persistent spiders to provide pest control services inside.

Seal up cracks in the foundation, gaps near windows or doors, and torn screens. Inside, clean up crumbs or food remnants that attract the pests they feed on. Keep food stored in sealed containers and remove garbage regularly. Routine vacuuming gets rid of cobwebs, egg sacs, and the spiders themselves. Keep your home as clutter free as possible.

Outside, trim bushes and trees so they are not up against the house. Make sure wood and compost piles, as well as garbage cans, are not too close to the house. Repair damaged siding or window and door frames.

If spiders are frequent guests in your home, it could mean that they’ve located a food source. Call Free Spray Lawn Care today at 419-529-5296 we’ll help you keep your home pest free.