Weeds 101: How to Control Henbit
A member of the mint family, henbit is a common annual weed that often winds up in weak...

Identifying Tree Disease: What Is Oak Wilt?
Trees provide our properties with shade, privacy, and natural beauty. These landscape...

Spring Grass Seeding Techniques: Liven up a Lawn After Winter Wear and Tear
Warmer weather is on its way, but winter often leaves behind a lackluster lawn. While...

Caring for Kentucky Bluegrass: Mowing Tips and More
One of the most popular choices for lawns, parks, and sports fields, Kentucky bluegrass...

Core Aeration: The Cure for Compacted Soil
One of the basic steps to building a better lawn is core aeration. This task loosens up...

How to Stop Chickweed with Herbicides
Difficult to eradicate, chickweed is a troublesome plant best kept out of your lawn and...

When Is the Right Time to Properly Prune Trees?
Timing is everything when it comes to taking care of the trees and shrubs in your yard....

Grass Grievances: Dealing with Lawn Grub Damage
Are grubs giving you grief? Small, plump worm-like pests, white lawn grubs are really...

How to Wrap Trees Against Winter’s Wrath
Cold temperatures, ice, snow, salt, and hungry animals are winter’s worst offenders for...

Save Your Trees from Winter Salt Damage
Every winter we cover our streets and sidewalks with salt to protect ourselves from icy...