It's important to have your lawn in Ohio fertilized in the fall to keep it strong and lush. When you fertilize your grass in the fall, you provide it with the nutrients it needs to recover from the stress caused by the summer season and its hot, dry conditions. Your lawn will also be more prepared to enter winter dormancy when you apply a fall fertilizer treatment, as it contains nutrients that build up its strength and health. The nutrients found in lawn fertilizer treatments will help your grass develop deep, strong roots, which will ensure it can endure the cold winter temperatures. Another reason why you should fertilize your lawn in the fall is to help it bounce back quicker in the spring.
Applying fertilizer on your lawn in the fall will help it recover from any summer-related stress.
The summer season is stressful for your lawn because of the challenging heat and dry conditions. It can turn yellow or brown because of the heat and will use up most of its nutrient supply to survive. Applying a lawn fertilizer treatment in the fall will provide your struggling grass with vital nutrients that will promote recovery from any summer-related stress. The treatment will replenish its nutrient reserves, as well as help it gain back its strength to continue growing and restore its vibrant color.
A Fall Fertilization Treatment Prepares Your Lawn for Winter Dormancy

The fall season is a crucial time for your lawn because it is the window to prepare for the winter season. A nourishing lawn fertilizer treatment in the fall will replenish its nutrient supply so it has enough to feed off of while it is dormant. The nutrients from the treatment will ensure your lawn's survival during dormancy when it halts its growth to survive the cold winter temperatures.
What's more, fertilizing your grass in the fall will bolster your lawn's health before it goes dormant. The nutrients from the treatment will fortify its root system so it can absorb more nutrients and get stronger for the winter. Your lawn will also receive nutrients that will help build its resistance against stressful conditions, like winter's cold and chilly conditions.
Fall fertilizer treatments promote root growth.
Another benefit to having your lawn fertilized in the fall is to help it develop stronger roots. During the fall season, your lawn shifts its energy to growing deeper and stronger roots, and a fertilizer treatment will help support that. A robust root system is crucial in maintaining your lawn's dense growth and improving its nutrient and water absorption. Your lawn will also be anchored in the soil better when it has strong roots, allowing it to be better equipped to resist stress caused by harsh weather conditions!
A fertilizer treatment in the fall will help your lawn bounce back quicker in the spring.
After the winter season, your lawn will emerge from dormancy in the spring ready to grow again. You want your lawn to have everything it needs during this time to bounce back, and you can start with a nutrient-packed fertilizer treatment in the fall. Because a fall fertilizer treatment helps strengthen the root system of your turf, it can absorb the nutrients it needs to get stronger and bounce back quicker in the spring! This is a great start for your lawn as it enters the new growing season.
Call us today to sign up for our lawn fertilization service!
A great way to ensure your lawn survives the winter and emerges in great shape come springtime is to provide it with a fertilizer treatment in the fall chock full of vital nutrients. That's where we can help! Our crew at Free Spray Lawn Care offers our lawn fertilization service to commercial and residential properties in Mansfield, OH, and surrounding communities like Wooster and Strongsville. When you sign up for this service, our crew will visit your property regularly from early spring to late fall to administer lawn fertilizer treatments. This service also includes pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to tackle pesky, nutrient-stealing weeds. Call us today at 419-529-5296 to sign up!
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