Nutsedge is a common weed often found taking over lawns in Ohio. This weed is from the sedge family, which resembles grass but features solid, distinctive triangular stems. They have thicker leaves compared to your grass and commonly start appearing in the spring after being dormant during the chilly fall and winter seasons. The best way to deal with the existing nutsedge on your lawn is to apply post-emergent treatments and prevent new ones from emerging through pre-emergent treatments. Make sure you hire professionals to treat your lawn with weed control because they will use effective products and administer them at the right time.
What type of weed is nutsedge, and what does it look like?

Nutsedge is a type of perennial weed from the sedge family. Sedges are plants that closely resemble grass with notable triangular stems and blade-like foliage. This specific weed is aggressive and tough to control when it takes over your lawn because it grows quicker than grass and has roots that go deep and wide underground. They thrive best in waterlogged areas, which means that their presence on your lawn could indicate poor drainage.
Nutsedge weeds have thicker leaves that grow in threes from the base. Depending on the species of nutsedge, this weed can have leaves with tapered tips or blunt ends that are either light or dark green. They commonly appear in the spring, dying back in the fall and winter when the weather gets cool, then growing again the following spring.
How do you deal with nutsedge?
The best way to deal with nutsedge weeds that are growing on your lawn is to treat them with post-emergent weed control treatments. This type of weed control treatment is designed to target existing weeds on your turf that are currently competing with your grass for nutrients. However, because nutsedge weeds are highly persistent, it might take more than one treatment of post-emergent weed control to eliminate all of them from your lawn.
To ensure that nutsedge has no chance of becoming a nuisance on your lawn again, you need to apply pre-emergent weed control treatments. This weed control treatment will create a protective cover in the soil that will prevent germinating weeds like nutsedge from emerging on your turf. Pairing pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments should be a staple in your lawn care routine because they will tackle existing weeds and prevent new ones from growing.
Make sure you hire professionals to deal with nutsedge weeds on your lawn for effective results.
When treating your lawn for weeds, it's best to avoid the DIY route and hire professionals to do the job. Signing up for a weed control program entails lawn care professionals visiting your property regularly throughout the growing season to administer weed control treatments. They will use highly effective pre- and post-emergent treatments that are proven to work against nutsedge to ensure complete protection against these pesky, invasive weeds. Professionals will also ensure the treatments are administered at the right times during the year so your lawn has consistent protection against weeds like nutsedge.
Call our team today to enroll in our weed control service!
Nutsedge has no place on your lawn, and we are here to ensure it stays away with our weed control service. This service involves pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments administered from early spring to late fall to provide optimal protection for your lawn against pesky weeds like nutsedge. Our team at Free Spray Lawn Care offers our weed control program to commercial and residential properties in Mansfield, OH, and surrounding areas, such as Wooster and Strongsville. Aside from nutsedge, the treatments we use are effective against crabgrass, dandelions, wild violets, ground ivy, and other weeds. Give us a call today at 419-529-5296 to enroll!
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