Are Your Grass Blades Turning Pinkish-Red? Here’s What To Do About Red Thread
Red thread is a common fungal disease that damages lawns in Ohio. It causes red or pink spots to form on grass ...

Fall Lawn Maintenance Musts to Get Your Grass Ready for Winter
Summer’s end is not a signal to stop taking care of your turf. In fact, fall lawn...

How to Properly Identify Poison Ivy and Other Irritating Plants
Whether you are working in the yard or walking in the woods, encountering poisonous...

5 Tips for Fall Lawn Care
The end of summer doesn’t mean the end to maintaining your yard, especially if you want a ...

The Proper Mowing Height for Kentucky Bluegrass
Mowing your grass is just one step in many to maintain a healthy lawn. Each time you cut...

Repairing Winter Tree and Shrub Damage
Cold spells, fluctuating temperatures, ice, and snow. We escape winter’s harsh elements...

Northern Ohio Winter Lawn Care Tips
Winter is around the corner. When you think about your lawn in Northern Ohio’s winter,...

Build Your Turf: Seed A Lawn in Fall
The dog days of summer are gone. That means so is the summer yard work. Or is it? If you...

The Proper Mowing Height in Fall for Northern Ohio
When it comes to mowing a lawn, may people think it’s just a matter of pushing around the ...

Controlling Clover in Your Lawn
Found in lawns throughout the United States, clover is a perennial weed that grows easily ...