Ticks are not only annoying, nasty little bugs, but they also can carry and transmit dangerous diseases such as Lyme. Diseases are transmitted from pest to host as the tick feeds on the host’s blood. Although there are chemical ways to keep these bugs at bay, some prefer more natural methods that are safer for people, pets, and the environment. Find out how you can control ticks.

Signs & Symptoms

Before battling these bugs, you must first be able to identify them. Ticks are eight-legged bugs in the arachnid family with round, flattened bodies. There are many types of ticks ranging in color from black to brown to reddish brown. Many are as tiny as a pinhead, but grow in size as they feed on blood.

Ticks love high humidity and moisture. Damp, shaded places and grassy overgrown areas are welcome environments. For example, woodpiles retain moisture and offer dark crevices in which pests can hide. Areas in your yard that are adjacent to woods or weedy lots are another popular locale.

Control Ticks in Your Yard

Keeping your yard clean and well-maintained is the first step in helping to control ticks. Here are some ways to make your property a less appealing environment for pests.

  • Trim back shrubs and trees to let more sun shine into your yard.
  • Get rid of debris, piles of cut grass, and dead twigs and branches.
  • Mow grass regularly and keep your lawn well-maintained.
  • Fix any areas with drainage problems.
  • Take care not to over-water.
  • Keep firewood neatly stacked in a dry location.

More Methods to Control Ticks

Make a bug barrier. Oddly, this picky pest does not like gravel or wood chips. Ticks avoid crawling over these materials and irritating their feet. Put a border between your yard and wooded areas adjacent to your property and fill it with gravel or wood chips to prevent pest passage. Or pick an area of your lawn and build a safe zone where your pets play. Cedar mulch naturally repels ticks, making it an ideal material for your border.

Consider fencing your yard. This keeps out larger animals like deer, raccoons, and foxes, which can carry ticks on to your property.

Landscape with herbs and plants that ticks tend to avoid. Rose geranium, pennyroyal, lemongrass, rosemary, garlic, and eucalyptus are natural tick repellents. And here’s a bonus, they help deter mosquitoes, too! Place a few citronella candles on your patio, as well.

There are essential oils that naturally repel ticks. Concoct a spray using cedar oil, which is non-toxic, or choose from a variety of cedar oil products that can be used on your lawn. Lavender, geranium, and peppermint essential oils are also natural repellents, but are not safe for certain pets.

Let Us Help You Control Ticks

Sometimes natural methods are not enough. If ticks are still ticking you off, contact Free Spray Lawn Care at 419-529-5296 and we’ll help you rid your home of unwanted pests.